Fanuc Robodrill α-D14MiB5 with Rotary Table
CNC Drill Tap
Specifications (subject to buyer verification):
Travel X/Y/Z19.69” x 15.74” x 12.99”
Max. tool diameter 3.15”
Table size 25.59” x 15.75”
Max. table load 660 lbs
Max. tool mass (0–24,000 rpm) 6.6 lbs
Distance from spindle nose to table (with HC100) 9.84” – 22.83”
Spindle speed 10,000 RPM
Rapid traverse in all axes 2125 IPM
Programmable cutting feed 1181 IPM
Acceleration X/Y/Z [G] (100kg table load, 2kg-tool) 1.6 / 1.2 / 1.6
Number of tools 14 ATC
Tool change time (2 kg-tool) (cut to cut) s 1.6 sec
Machine Weight 4000 lbs
Equipped With (subject to buyer verification):
Fanuc Series 31i-Model B5
DDR Rotary Table