Okuma LB35II/750 – 1998

Okuma LB-35II/1000 CNC Turning Center
Specifications (subject to buyer verification):
Swing Over Bed:  27.56”
Swing Over Saddle:  16.93”
Max Turning Diameter:  19.29”
Max Work Length:  29.5”
X-Axis Travel:  13”
Z-Axis Travel:  30”
Spindle Bore:  3.54”
No. of Tools:  12 Positions Turret
Spindle Motor:  40 HP
Range of Spindle Speed:  14 – 3200 RPM
Rapid Traverse ( X / Z):  591 IPM / 787 IPM
Equipped With  (subject to buyer verification):
OSP 7000 CNC Control
Chip Conveyor