Okuma MA500HB with 10 Station FMS CNC Horizontal Machining Center
Specifications (subject to buyer verification):
Pallet Work Area19.69” x 19.69”
Indexing Angle0.001 Degree
Max Workplace Dimensions31.5” x 39.7”
Max Load Capacity1760 lbs
X Axis Travel27.56″
Y Axis Travel35.43″
Z Axis Travel30.71″
Spindle Center to Pallet Top1.97” – 37.4”
Spindle Nose to Pallet Center2.76” – 33.46”
Spindle Speed12,000 RPM
Spindle TaperCAT50
Rapid Traverse Rates (X,Y,Z)2362 IPM
Cutting Feedrate XYZ.04” – 2362 IPM
Spindle Drive (10 min / cont)37/26 HP (HB)
Magazine Capacity150
Max Tool Dia (w/adj tool)5.51”
Max Tool Dia (w/o adj tool)9.45”
Max Tool Length17.72”
Max Tool Weight55 lbs
Floor Space122” x 235 x 129
Weight50,160 lbs
Equipped With (subject to buyer verification):
OSP-E100L CNC Control
150 ATC-CAT50
12,000 RPM Spindle
1000 PSI Thru Spindle Coolant
B-Axis .001 Deg
Concep 2000 Liftup Chip Conveyor
Shower Coolant
FMS Machine I/F
Tool Breakage Detection MP4
Super High Nurbs Type A
Fatems FPC System